Thursday, February 11, 2010

Numb Lips, Bagels And Charades

It's been one of those weeks filled with to-do's... soap orders to fill, appointments to keep and lessons to teach, but it's been a good kind of busy. The kind that at least leaves you feeling you've accomplished a thing or two...not just running in circles. (Which is what I seem to do best.)
We started out the week with some fillings at the dentist for a couple of the kids.Well, that's what we thought anyway. Our son came home to me with a mouth full of gauze and a lop-sided frown. A baby tooth had to be extracted that just wouldn't come out. He looked so cute trying to look so angry, but he didn't find this amusing in the least bit. Here he's trying to pucker up- not happening.
He's all better now, but was pretty traumatized that night.

Earlier this week I made fresh homemade bagles for the first time! They turned out to be very simple and sooo yummy with a little jam and a cup of hot coffee. The recipe's really easy and it doesn't take as long as I thought to make them. Here's a link to the 'simple' recipe if you're interested in trying your hand at it yourself. This is just your basic bagel, but that's what I wanted for my first go at it.
(Guess he thought my bagels looked good too...or maybe my coffee.)

Homeschooling is going very well for us! I'm having a ton of fun teaching the kids through art, music, nature and experience.... Hands on with most things and trying to get away from so much table/workbook time.

I did find out today that it's not a good idea to play charades to learn the organs in the digestive tract. I jokingly mentioned it would be a funny game while we were reciting them- mainly wondering how you could possibly act out the appendix. Of course as I'm still pondering this, my kids drop to the floor,  curl up into circles and become....well, I'll just say it's the last organ in the digestive tract. Class was pretty much over until after lunch.
So that's what the news is from our home this week. I'm still working on my hexagon blanket and I'm happy to report that my pre-hexagon circles have more than doubled so I'm getting anxious to complete them and piece it all together!
Well until next time- have a blessed week! ~Jen


  1. I have got to try that bagel recipe! And I need to get me one of those sheepies...too funny with the cat!
    Looking forward to seeing you real soon!!!

  2. Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, commenting and following! I really appreciate it. I absolutely love your blog. Oh my gosh those soaps look unbelievable. YUMMY! Anyway, wanted to drop in and follow you back. Hope you have a great Valentine's day.


I always love, LoVe, LOVE hearing from you! I will read every single comment and will do my very best to reply.