Sunday, June 19, 2011

Days 168 & 169

I'm jumping back into things now that I'm feeling a little more like myself again and picking back up at days 168 and 169. That would be Saturday and today :)
 Yesterday we helped some friends move. They live about an hour and a half away in the town my husband and I pretty much grew up in. On the way home my husband, being the car fanatic that he is, spotted some old cars he wanted to get a closer look at. He said they must have been sitting there are really long time. The sign was too faded to read the phone number and the dust inside was an inch thick...but it looked pretty cool on the outside. :)
 This is my pic for today. 
This little weed and I have actually become friends. I don't know about where you live but here in Michigan, purslane tries to take over my garden every year! You can't get rid of it! But I found out year before last that it's actually a drought-resistant, highly-nutritious little plant that is great in salads and many other dishes. It contains more omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable out there! Here's a link to some more info on it, if you happen to find it in your yard, sidewalk cracks or garden. It's also known the be a good living mulch that will keep other weeds at bay. 
Hope you're having a great Father's Day weekend!
XX's ~Jen

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Space of 21 Days

I guess a lot can happen in 21 days. It's been that long since I last posted and honestly, it feels even longer. I should have posted at least a hello and filled you in a bit, but there really wasn't "one" good reason, but several little happenings, and a couple of big ones, that came my way and set me adrift for a while...

A garden needing seeds and tending, a house groaning with age and demands for repairs, a transition from a church we love dearly to one that God has called us to (that we also love, but doesn't stop out hearts from hurting), a home school year ending with loose ends needing to be tied, a foot -broken as I bid Memorial Day adieu (My first broken bone, I might add), A part-time summer job in the mornings just beginning, and the one thing that just really took the wind out of my sails...

Having to put my cat, Stormy, down. You haven't seen him much on my blog because he was a bit camera shy, unlike Malachi. But, believe me, he was my shadow every evening after his day-long naps, for over 7 years. He was quite unique. He loved to head-butt me to show his affection, he sort of chirped instead of meowing like most cats, and he would wait on the counter-tops when he would see we were going to walk by, so he could reach out and grab our arms (this was a hint to pick him up). It was last week that I had to have him put down, but I knew it was coming for weeks. It made my heart so heavy just thinking about it and I kept putting off the inevitable. And then when the time came to say goodbye my heart completely broke. I miss him a ton and the tears still come from time to time, when I think of his little tendencies that made him Stormy. But God's slowly healing my heart, and my broken foot... Summer is still just beginning and the sun actually just broke through the clouds outside, so I think I'll go soak up some vitamin D and snap some pictures. I've hardly touched my camera in the past week. It's time to pick it back up again.

Kye is missing him a ton. I didn't realize how much cats will sometimes mourn the loss of another cat.

One of their favorite evening rituals in the summer. He was always hard to see in pictures!

Hope you're enjoying this God-filled day. It's beautiful here all the sudden!
XX's ~Jen